- 5pm brief with Ron and Lynn
- 6pm setup cameras and lighting
- 630 countdown and music.
- 7pm. Showtime – play intro muis/video
Open – jokes – overeating before/after pics, quarantine release
- How GTG helps others. Video? Christmas GNG? Manny?
- What is the gtg motivation show? Topics? Fun, Motivation, Education, Jobs, Volunteering, Sales, Veterans, Singles, Christianity, Local, Homlessness, Friendships,
- Purpose?
- Who benefits?
- Who is James A. Smith?
- Houdini story about beliefs
- Your beliefs – ABED
- Celebration – Riverboat Cruise
- Giving Tuesday
- Other events?
Close, Call to action
- Finish beliefs with love
- Love story about giving?
- Ask for donations
- Ask for riverboat reservations
- Encourage to grow and give
- Ask to subscribe and share.